School Visits 

Bring Nature into the Classroom with these two great visits. 

We all know the benefits of being connected to nature. However, it’s not always easy to take children out of school and into nature. These two school visits bring nature into your classroom, with plenty of hands-on opportunities. 

Biodiversity and the Soil 

In this visit I cover subjects like: 
What is biodiversity? 
What is soil and how is it made? 
Who lives in the soil and what do they do? 
Why is it important, and what’s going wrong? 
I bring with me suitable examples of biodiversity and ecosystems to help them understand this often-confusing aspect of nature. Imagine their responses to soil, leaves, worms and so much more. 
This is a fun topic, and my visit makes for a great launch to the topic. There are plenty of opportunities for the children to get hands-on and discover the wonders of soil. 

Connecting to Nature 

This visit is also very hands-on, where I give the children an experience which is as close to getting out in nature as is possible, with the sights, sounds, smells and touch of a woodland walk. 
Woodlands are a great place to start the journey of connectivity and discover what goes on in the forest. This will include learning about: 
Senses – What are they, how and why we use them when out in nature. 
Silence - Why do we need to be silent and still in nature. A good starter for learning mindfulness. 
Benefits - Why it is good to be out in nature. 
Trees – What different types of trees there are and why they are important to us. 
Symbiosis – We are dependent on trees as they are on us, and where do the fungi come in. This is a good way to build on being helpful and kind to others. 
I will bring with me a wonderful selection of plants, rocks, trees, and so much more. This is all about getting up close to nature, learning what to look for when outside and how they are connected to it. The children can learn new skills, learn about trees and all that awaits them as they start on their journey to connect with nature.